Tests Come Back Negative On Crows Found In Dhaka


# 1628



It has been an exceptionally quiet news day, with few reports coming out of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or, for that matter, the Mid-East.  While I'm always a bit leery when we hit these lulls, for the moment, I'm going to try to enjoy the break.


Via BirdFluBreakingNews we get this report from Bangladesh Independent.




No bird flu in dead crows found in Dhaka 


Friday, 08 February 2008

Staff Correspondent

No avian influenza virus was detected in the crows that were found dead in the capital on Monday and the sick crow collected from Gulshan Lake Park on Tuesday, officials said.


‘The test result showed no sign of avian influenza in the dead crows and the sick one,’ said Dr Mosaddek Hossain, chief veterinary officer of Central Veterinary Hospital.



As always, the validity of test results are highly dependant on the collection methods, prompt and proper transportation of the samples to a lab, and the skills of the laboratory doing the work. 

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