Official Launch Of GetPandemicReady.Org


# 1644




"We recommend each household have three months of food, water (or purification capability), medications, and basic supplies on hand."





Last month I gave my readers a sneak peek at the new Get Pandemic Ready website, which features dozens of easy, practical ways to prepare for a pandemic or any other disaster.   The link to this, and other citizens preparedness groups, is at the top of my sidebar.


Today, after a month of tweaking the site, Get Pandemic Ready is being officially launched.  Press releases have gone out to hundreds of newspapers, and already stories are appearing on the newswires.



Nez Perce County official, national team offer advice on next pandemic
KPAX-TV - Missoula,MT,USA
Johnson and Dworkin say people should plan to avoid contact with others for at least two weeks, and as long as three months, to give a pandemic time to play ...

Idaho official, national team offer advice on next flu pandemic
Twin Falls Times-News - Twin Falls,ID,USA
LEWISTON, Idaho - The next time an influenza pandemic hits, it likely will be too late to prepare. Nez Perce County Emergency Services Manager Melvin ...




Here is the official press release.





February 11, 2008

Protect Your Family during an Influenza Epidemic at


New Website Launches With Common-Sense and Time-Efficient Tips and Information that Families Can Use to Minimize Risks and be Prepared for a Pandemic Flu Epidemic


February 11, 2008 — Perhaps you’ve seen news reports that there is a real chance for an influenza epidemic – a mutation of the bird flu virus – to hit the United States. But what have you done to prepare yourself and your family for this eventual reality?


 A new Web site – – has been created to provide everyday people with straightforward information and easy-to-follow advice for how to prepare and protect you and your family in the event of a wide-spread influenza outbreak.



Why Should Families Prepare?

A flu pandemic has the potential to cause massive disruption of essential services throughout the world because many people may not report for work. The production and delivery of food, water, fuel and daily supplies could be interrupted for weeks or months at a time, resulting in shortages.

Utilities such as water, gas, phone and electricity may temporarily fail. Schools, churches, stores and businesses may close. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities, overburdened with the ill, may be unable to serve all those in need. In fact, Michael Leavitt, the Secretary of the US
Department of Health and Human Services, has stated that, “Any community that fails to prepare, with the expectation that the federal government will come to the rescue, will be tragically wrong.”


Preparation could be the difference between a family that copes versus a family struggling for survival.


How Can Families Prepare?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created to help households and businesses to prepare for a pandemic flu outbreak. – complements this site by providing a whole new level of detail and practicality that will easily help you and your household prepare, including:

· Food: A “Bare Basics Cook Plan” for turning basic pantry items into meals.
· Water: Ways to have water storage capability if you live in a small space.
· Infants & toddlers: Options to consider in the event breastfeeding is not possible and commercial formula is not available.


Additional information on hygiene, comfort, staying healthy, emergency basics, treating the flu, safety, and other special concerns all can be easily found at




About was created by a group of concerned citizens from around the United States who came together to launch a web site offering practical and time-efficient advice to help families prepare for an influenza pandemic.


Together, they’ve developed and offer up practical tips and advice – helping fulfill their deep commitment to personal preparation and community resiliency as the foundation for getting though a pandemic.


For more information, press only:

Dr. Greg Dworkin, MD – spokesperson – email:





Full disclosure:  I am one of more than a dozen volunteer contributors to this website. - MPC

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