Fourth Internet Cable Cut In Mid East


# 1608



In what is becoming a growing mystery, a 4th undersea Internet cable has been cut in the Middle East, further degrading Internet access in that region.


Complicating matters, the original explanation, that a ship dragged anchor over the first damaged cables, is being disputed by Egyptian authorities.


As you might expect, newshounds are finding it slow going trying to get information out of the mid-east right now.


A hat tip to Niko on Flutrackers for posting this story from AME INFO fn.




Ships did not cut internet cables


Ships are not responsible for damaging undersea internet cables in the Mediterranean, Egypt's Government says, reported AFP.


Two cables were damaged earlier this week in the Mediterranean sea and another off the coast of Dubai, causing widespread disruption to internet and international telephone services in Egypt, Gulf Arab states and South Asia.


A fourth cable linking Qatar to the United Arab Emirates was damaged on Sunday causing yet more disruptions, telecommunication provider Qtel said.


Egypt's transport ministry said footage recorded by onshore video cameras of the location of the cables showed no maritime traffic in the area when the cables were damaged.

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