A Double Shot Of Scott McPherson


# 1647



Scott doesn't blog everyday (he has a job and a life. Go figure?), but when he does it is always well worth reading.   Scott often manages a light, almost whimsical touch when writing about very serious subjects. 


As public service to those who might forget to check his blog, I'll simply point you to his latest two efforts.


First, a subject Scott has been following for some time now, the mismatch of this year's seasonal flu vaccine to the currently circulating viruses.   


Scott updates us with WHO, CDC say "My Bad" on lack of flu vaccine protection.  



His second essay may prove even more important.  He covers the recent dog deaths and illnesses occurring in South Florida. 



While we've seen bouts of `dog flu', or H3N8, in recent years it is unknown whether this new outbreak stems from that virus, or something else entirely.   


There are other `suspects' as well, which Scott details in Mystery disease killing dogs in South Florida.


The H3N8 virus (an avian virus) was found in horses for decades, but in the late 1990's jumped the species barrier to dogs. Whenever an existing pathogen increases its host range (infecting new species), or a new pathogen emerges, we need to pay close attention. 

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