Indonesia: Three Infected With Bird Flu, One Dies


# 1551



To call the details so far `sketchy'  is almost generous.


What we know is multiple news sources are reporting that the Indonesian Health Ministry announced the death of a 9-year-old boy on Sunday, who tested positive for the H5N virus. 


At the same time, the Health Ministry said there were two additional bird flu patients, a man and a woman, ages 32 and 31, who has also tested plosive.


No word on the links (if any) between these patients, although all three reportedly came from the Jakarta vicinity.  Also, no word on the source of their infection.


Theis boy (unnamed) makes the 99th bird flu fatality recorded in Indonesia.




One more person dies of bird flu in Indonesia


28/01/2008 -- 4:59 PM

Ha Noi (VNA) – The Indonesian Health Ministry on January 28 announced that an Indonesian boy died of bird flu and two adults were infected by the virus, bringing the country’s total victims to 123 with 99 deaths.


The nine-year-old boy, 32 year-old man and 31 year-old woman, are from Jakarta and its outskirts, foreign media reported, citing sources from the Indonesian Health Ministry.


It was not clear whether the victims had historical contact with infected-fowl.




A Reuters' report is offering the following details, indicating these patients have no links with each other.



  • The boy from the outskirts of Jakarta died at the Sulianto Saroso hospital on Sunday after being treated in different hospitals for two weeks


  • It was not known how the boy contracted the disease.
  • A 31-year-old woman and 32-year-old man hospitalised at Persahabatan hospital for fever and respiratory problems also tested positive for the deadly H5N1 virus on Monday


  • According to the statement, the woman lived in East Jakarta near a poultry slaughterhouse


  • The man from Tangerang, west of Jakarta, is believed to have contracted H5N1 from his neighbour's pet doves


  • Authorities are also expecting genetic test results to come back for a fourth case, a 23-year-old housewife from East Jakarta, who died on Sunday from bird flu symptoms.



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