Deux Forum français Ajoutés (Two French Forums Added)


# 1553



Last week I added two links to a French language forum in Quebec.   Today I'm adding two more french forum links.


The first is the French forum sponsored by Flutrackers.  


FT, as Flutrackers is commonly known, will celebrate it's 2nd anniversary in February.  With a format more like that of a reference library,  FT has grown remarkably over it's first 24 months. While you won't find a lot of social chit-chat there, you will find a huge repository of information on Bird Flu and other EID's (Emerging Infectious Diseases).


By way of full disclosure, I am a member of FT (along several  other flu forums), and hold a mostly-honorary rank of moderator there.


The second forum is located in France. Since my French language skills are abysmal I have no way of knowing about the content, but I'm told they do a good job covering bird flu.


Both links have been added to my sidebar.


Now, where are the Spanish forums?

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