Crof On The Home Fortress Theory


# 1446



A slow news Saturday, with very little coming out of the usual hotspots; Indonesia and Egypt.


Crof over at Crofsblog, however, has put together a well reasoned essay on why the Home Fortress Theory won't work.   That we can't all simply hole up for 18 months and wait out a pandemic.  


And he's right.


Ramboesque survival fantasies aside, most of us will get through the next pandemic, or any other crisis, working together as neighbors and members of a larger community, not as lone wolves.


Oh, I'm sure some people will try to hole up, or retreat to the woods, or some such tactic.  Some might even succeed.  It isn't impossible.  Just not very realistic for 98% of the world.   And much harder to do than it looks.


Anyway, Crof says it so much better than I could. 


Read   The home fortress theory.

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