Indonesia: Watching A Cluster Of Five Suspects

One of the 5 suspect being transported to Jakarta
# 1393
The lull in the news didn't last long, with a report this morning that 5 members of an extended family from Bantan have all been admitted to a special bird flu receiving hospital in Jakarta.
First, the English account, carried by Xinhua, then a translation of a local media report.
5 Indonesians hospitalized for bird flu
2007-12-21 18:11:01
JAKARTA, Dec. 21 (Xinhua) -- Five people including two children were admitted to a bird flu specialist hospital in Jakarta Friday, raising concerns that human cases of the disease could grow to a record 119 in an individual country.
The five patients were transferred to the Persahabatan Hospital here from a small hospital in the town of Serang in Banten province after they showed clear signs of bird flu symptoms, such as respiratory problems, heavy coughs and high fever.
The national Antara news agency said the bird flu suspicions arose after health officials learned that 60 chickens and ducks in their village died from the virus as confirmed by laboratory tests.
Contact with infected chickens is the most common cause of bird flu in human in Indonesia, where 92 people died from the H5N1 virus, the highest among bird-flu affected countries.
The five patients, aged between 8 and 30, are from the same extended family.
This next report, which contains more detail, was translated and posted by AnneZ at Flutrackers.
Five "Suspect" Bird Flu from Serang, reconciled to Persehabatan Hospital
After undergoing the maintenance for three days in temporary maintenance Space of RSUD Serang, five patients suspect bird flu from the Village/Desa Terumbu, RT 07 /02, Kecamatan Kasemen Serang had finally been reconciled to RS Persahabatan Jakarta by using four Ambulance cars around struck 12,15 WIB, on Friday (21/12).
The five patients who it was suspected were infected by this AI virus respectively the brother and sister that is, Mubinul Hamidi, 16, Nujulul Hak, 10, and Najatul Hidayat, 8, the child as well as two other people that also the brother and sister that is Muhlas, 30, and Iklimah, 17.
The five patients entered RSUD Serang on the Wednesday (19/12) after beforehand could undergo medical treatment in the local Community Health Centre.
According to Fathurahman information, 45, that was parents from three patients namely Mubinul Hamid and his two brothers, the sign that was experienced by his three children that is hot, breathless as well as coughs so as he tried to take medicine to the local Community Health Centre.
A day before his child was sick, said he, approximately 60 chickens and his property duck and the rest had his neighbour died suddenly.
He reported the case and the official from the Pertanian Kabupaten Serang
Service carried out the checking against the chicken that died this.
The previous day dozens of ducks and our chicken died suddenly, after being carried out by the inspection by the Pertanian Service was stated by chickens that died this was positive bird flu, said Fathurahman.
After being stated by this chicken positive was affected by bird flu by the official from the Pertanian Service then the community health centre side ask for so that the three patients and two other patients that still one family so that immediately was brought to RSUD Serang underwent the maintenance.
Moreover, according to Syamsuri, 30, one of the Muhlas families, in his house still was having two patients more who experienced the same sign and were not yet carried to RSUD Serang because of being waiting for the five patients in brought to RS Persahabatan. The two patients namely Mubitin, 33, and NY Garba, 65, both still one family.
Section Head Kesehatan of the Serang Regency Dr H Encep Mukardi during it was confirmed said, the five patients were not yet stated positive bird flu but still suspect.
The five patients still suspect bird flu is now reconciled to RSU Persahabatan, because in RSUD Serang facilities for the maintenance of the patient flu birds were not yet complete, he said.
These five patients, plus the two remaining at home, are only suspected of having bird flu at this point. If any confirmatory tests have been conducted, their results have not been publicly announced.
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