Egypt To Close Live Poultry Markets


# 1429


Live markets are a way of life for people in many countries, and Egypt is no exception.  They have also been implicated as a source of spread and infection by the H5N1 virus. 


After the latest 3 cases, all in the past week, in Egypt, authorities say they will implement new controls.


A Hat tip to Theresa42 (one of our hardest working newshounds) on Flutrackers for finding this article.





Live Poultry Markets to Close Down

By Metwalli Salem    29/12/2007


The executive committee emanating from the Supreme Committee to Combat Bird Flu decided to close down all markets selling live poultry in cities and villages of different provinces.


In its meeting the day before yesterday, the committee called for tightening control over the transportation of live poultry between provinces and activating the role of municipalities in this regard.


In light of the siege of the disease after increasing incidents in poultry farms, transportation of live poultry will not be possible without a permit and a copy of the inspection laboratory certificate confirming it is free of avian flu.


The committee is chaired by Dr. Nasr el-Sayed, Assistant Health Minister for Preventive Medicine, with the membership of the competent departments at the ministries of agriculture, health, the environment and at all governorates.


The committee reiterated the need for cooperation between these ministries to detect the virus in farms and houses in the provinces of Sharkia, Beni Suef, Qena, Qalyubia, Menoufia and Gharbia, as these are the most vulnerable to the disease.


Dr. Saber Abdel Aziz, director of poultry diseases at the General Authority for Veterinary Services, said it was decided to cull all birds in poultry farms infected with the disease, activate inspection of surrounding farms and prompt exchange of information between the ministries of health, agriculture and the environment detecting the virus and any human infection. 


He added that it was also decided to increase vaccination of poultry in the houses of neighboring villages to infected farms, and to submit a monthly report to the Supreme Committee so as to follow-up on immunization efficiency by sending samples to the Central Laboratory for Veterinary Control of Poultry Production.



The Ministry of Agriculture has decided to close down poultry farms that reject the supervision of the General Authority for Veterinary Services on immunization, and to make sure of the vital safety procedures in these farms.

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