Riau: Take 3


# 1242




The inconsistencies coming out of Riau continue to mount, and flu watchers around the world are left with little more than speculation and frustration.   It's not an  uncommon occurrence.


You'd think we'd be used to this by now.


To recap:


Yesterday the local press reported that an 8 month baby, neighbor of a 31 year-old-man who died last Tuesday suspected of having bird flu, was ill, and bird flu was suspected as well.   They also listed 5 or 6 other people in contact with this sick child who were down with fevers and were being isolated at a local hospital.


A few hours later a local media source reported that 5 of these people had `tested negative' and were sent home.


And thus far, not a word in the English speaking press about any of this.  Everything we think we `know' has come from translations of local news stories.


Now this morning, we get word that the man who died on Tuesday did, indeed, die of H5N1.   The English press is carrying this news.


Interesting that it takes 5 days to confirm that MN died of bird flu, but they were able to determine that 5 (or 4, the numbers vary)  of his neighbors who have fevers were negative in less than 3 hours.


Additional local reporting has come out, also stating that these 5 people were sent home.   The 8 month old baby and his two parents, according to the following article, appear to remain under heavy medical observation. 


As to what is really going on in Riau.  I have no clue.


A hat tip to Mojo on the Wiki for this translation from the Riau Pos.




The resident of the Thorn that died Positive Bird Flu



The resident of the Thorn that died Positive Bird Flu on November 10 2007 struck 09:45


Pekanbaru (RP)- the Resident of the Thorn, the Regency of Bengkalis Muhammad the Prophet (31) the patient suspect bird flu that died, on Tuesday (6/11) positive contracted the bird flu virus (AI).


This in accordance with results of the Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Body research (Balitbangkes) the Department of the Health (the Department of Health) RI that was accepted by the Kesehatan Service (Diskes) Riau, on Friday (9/11).


In the meantime, a baby eight months, MB that also the resident of the Thorn that was run off with to RSUD Arifin Achmad, on Thursday (8/11) with the assumption of the same illness, have begun to improve, but official results were not yet dismissed by the related side.


Even so four residents of the Thorn, respectively had the initials the USA (4.5) the older brother MB, Mr (20) Tante MB, Rh also Tante MB, and other Sm (23) the neighbour Muhammad Nabi that was run off with to RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru, on Friday early afternoon (9/11), with the beginning diagnosis suspect bird flu, has been permitted to come home.


The head of public relations that also the Sub Dinas Kesehatan Head and the Nutrient of Diskes Riau drg H Burhanuddin Agung to Riau Pos, on Friday (9/11) said, the connection between this family was very worrying.


Because of this on Saturday (10/11) today, the team from WHO and from Balitbangkes Department of Health RI would to the Thorn in order to carries out the research and investigation was deeper.


According to Burhanuddin, still there are those that was categorised under investigation or in the tight supervision.


Both of them were Ut and Ln, parents MB.


Especially for four patients suspect this bird flu, respectively the USA, Mr, Rh, and Sm, they for a prolonged period were not treated.


The paramedic RSUD Pekanbaru that was preceptive and fast gave the maintenance, the four patients who were reconciled the Mandau Community Health Centre, Kabupaten Bengkalis this around struck 14,30 WIB, finally around struck 17,40 WIB was returned.

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