# 1225
Today we are getting news of an outbreak of equine influenza in China. How do I know? Why, Promed mailed this report to me, along with thousands of other subscribers today.
That's how.
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
<http://www.isid.org>Date: 8 Nov 2007
Source: OIE WAHID (World Animal Health Information Database) Disease
Information 2007; 20(45) [edited]
Equine influenza, China (People's Republic)
Information received on 5 Nov 2007 from Mr Jia Youling, National
Chief Veterinary Officer, Veterinary Bureau, Director General,
Bejing, China (People's Rep. of)Summary
Report type Immediate notification
Start date 9 Oct 2007
Date of confirmation of event 30 Oct 2007
Report date 5 Nov 2007
Date submitted to OIE 5 Nov 2007
Reason for notification: Reoccurrence of a listed disease
Date of previous occurrence 1994
Manifestation of disease: Clinical disease
Causal agent Equine influenza virus A subtype H3N8
Nature of diagnosis: Clinical, Laboratory (advanced)
Report pertains to: Entire countryNew outbreaks
Outbreak 1 Altay, Xinjiang
Date of start of outbreak 9 Oct 2007
Outbreak status: Continuing (or date resolved not submitted)
Epidemiological unit: VillageSpecies _Equidae_
Susceptible 130 000
Cases 5515
Deaths 0
Destroyed 0
Slaughtered 0
Of course, if you subscribe to Promed (which I highly recommend), you are also aware of these reports over the past two days.
November 06, 2007
PRO/AH/EDR> Avian influenza, human (147): Indonesia, WHO
PRO/EDR> Chikungunya - Indian Ocean update (25): India (W.Bengal), susp, RFI
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF - Venezuela: (Aragua), RFI
PRO/EDR> Pertussis, school district - USA: (OH)
PRO/PL> Grapevine viruses - India: (Maharashtra), spread
November 05, 2007
PRO/EDR> Gastroenteritis, prisoners - USA: (OR)
PRO/AH/EDR> Prion disease update 2007 (07)
PRO/EDR> Cholera, diarrhea & dysentery update 2007 (54)
PRO/AH/EDR> Equine influenza, China
PRO/EDR> Mumps - Canada (09) (NS)
PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease, ovine - Cyprus (05): susp
PRO/PL> Blossom blight, eggplant - Fiji
PRO/PL> Bacterial ring rot, potato - Algeria ex Canada
PRO/EDR> Dengue/DHF update 2007 (43)
PRO/ALL> Powerful, underappreciated, and needing support
PRO/AH> Foot & mouth disease, ovine - Cyprus (04): susp, RFI
It's a busy day out there. But then, it's like this almost every day. The amount of information absorbed, formatted, and distributed by Promed is staggering.
Equine influenza, H3N8, isn't currently believed to pose a threat to humans, although the CDC does monitor people who are in contact with infected horses, and more recently, dogs. Yep, H3N8 jumped the species barrier a couple of years ago and now infects, and kills, dogs.
And if it jumped the species barrier once, it could do it again. It pays to be vigilant.
Promed provides daily email updates to thousands of subscribers of outbreaks of disease around the world, both in the animal and plant kingdom. They are a unique and important surveillance tool.
But it costs money to operate this service. And ProMed is looking for contributions to support their project.
(click on link to donate)
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We need your financial support to continue to provide you with reliable, independent reporting of emerging infectious diseases and outbreaks as they happen. Please take a few minutes to help us by making a tax-deductible contribution at our easy-to-use secure web site. Contributors of $250 or more receive our ISID/ProMED-mail Tote Bag. Give $100 and receive a ProMED-mail/ISID travel mug; for $50 or more you can receive our ProMED-mail Mouse Pad. Corporate and Institutional contributions are welcome, please contact us for more information.
If, like me, you appreciate the work these folks are doing maybe you'll make a contribution.
We can't all be scientists, or epidemiologists, or work on the front line to battle emerging infectious diseases.
But we can support those who are.
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