A Possible Cluster In Riau?



# 1240



The Riau province of Indonesia has seen a steady bubbling of cases of avian flu over the past couple of months.   Today, the local media is reporting (in bahasa) that authorities are investigating a possible family cluster of cases.


First, the article from Riau Today in Bahasa, followed by a translation courtesy of Commonground,  one of the hardest working newshounds on the net.



Friday, 09 November 2007 15:49

Besok, WHO dan Depkes Turun ke Riau

Laporan Gema Setara redaksi@riautoday.com Alamat Email inidilindungi dari bot spam, Anda Harus Mengaktifkan Javascript Untuk Melihatnya

PEKANBARU--MN pasien suspect flu burung asal Duri yang meninggal pada Selasa (6/11) lalu positif  mengidap virus flu burung.


Sementara itu lima warga Duri lainnya dinyatakan suspect flu burung, masing-masing Bayi berinisial MB (8 bln) yang malam tadi masuk ke ruang diagnostik flu burung RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru, selanjutnya AI (2 thn), RM (5 thn), MR (20 thn), SM (23 th). AI, RM dan MB merupakan kakak beradik dan MR bibi mereka sedangkan SM merupakan tetangga MN. Sementara itu U (41 thn) dan LI (32 thn) yang merupakan kedua orang tua ketiga bocah tersebut dinyatakan under investigasi.


Translated, this reads:


MB Positive, Six Residents Duri Others Suspect Flu Burung
Friday, 09, November 2007 15:49

Tommorow, WHO and Depkes Descend To Riau

Pekanbaru - Baby who has the initials MB (8 bin [?] ) resident Duri, that night this enter to space diagnostic flu burung RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru already was stated positive suffer from virus flu burung.

Information recently startled disclose that there is six resident Duri Regency Bengkalis, Riau when now assigned as suspect flu burung.


Each NB (8,5 bin), U (41 yr), LI (23 yr), AI (4,8 bin), MR (2 yr) and SM (23 yr). Three amoung resident this Avian Influenza, MR and SM already be handled team medical in RSUD Arifin Achmad and whereas three other NB, U and LI still in journey from Duri towards Pekanbaru.



What we have is a media report that an 8 month old baby (MB) has tested positive for avian influenza.  


Also ill with similar symptoms appear to be his parents,  U and LI, siblings AI & RM, an aunt (RM) and SM, apparently a nieghbor of Muhamad Nabi , the 31 year-old hospital administrator who died 3 days ago.  These relationships are somewhat tenuous given the limitations of the translation.


This media report intimates that the WHO is sending investigators to the scene.   DEPKES refers to the Indonesian Ministry of Health.


Local media reports are always suspect, and translations can often lead us astray.   The ability for computer software to properly translate the nuances of a foreign language are limited.     Still, this article appears to be fairly straight forward. 


Obviously, all eyes are going to be on Riau for the next few days as we figure out if this is, indeed, another family cluster of avian influenza.

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