# 1205
In late January of next year an impressive group of world-class scientists and researchers will gather in Bangkok, Thailand for the 2008 International Conference on Avian Influenza.
The cost of registration goes up after November 15th, so anyone interested should act soon.
Thailand, btw, is a delightful country with some of the friendliest people on earth. My brother has lived there for the past year, and has nothing but good things to say about the experience.
The conference program is enough to induce a Pavlovian response in anyone who follows avian influenza. This is a veritable `Who's Who' of influenza experts.
Bangkok International Conference on Avian Influenza 2008 : Integration from Knowledge to Control
January 23-25, 2008 at Napalai Ballroom, The Dusit Thani, Bangkok, Thailand23 January 2008
Registration & Poster set-up09.00-09.30
Opening ceremony09.30-10.10
Keynote lecture by Prof. Robert G. Webster
Subject : H5N1 influenza: Continuing evolution and spread
Keynote lecture by Prof. Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus
Subject : Development of pandemic influenza vaccines![]()
Coffee break11.10-11.40
Plenary lecture by Prof. Malik Peiris
Subject : -to be announced-![]()
Plenary lecture by Prof. Yong Poovorawan
Subject : -to be announced-![]()
Lunch & Poster set-upTrack I : Animal virus sequencing and epidemiology
Plenary lecture by Prof. Lei Fumin
Subject : Protect wild birds and their wetland environments from the current HPAI H5N1 prevalence![]()
Invited lecture by Dr. Scott H. Newman
Subject : The truths about HPAI in wild birds![]()
Correlation of human pathology of H5N1 infection with exvivo models
Dr.John M. Nicholls, The University of HongKong, China![]()
Subject : -to be announced-
Dr. Mongkol Uiprasertkul, Mahidol University, Thailand15.10-15.30
-to be announced-15.30-15.50
Coffee break15.50-18.00
Oral and poster presentation session18.00-19.30
Welcome dinner24 January 2008
Track II: Virology
Keynote lecture by Prof. Kennedy Shortridge
Subject : Confronting pandemic influenza : Just don’t let it start![]()
Keynote lecture by Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka
Subject : Pandemic influenza![]()
Coffee break10.40-11.10
Plenary lecture by Prof. Yasuo Suzuki
Subject : Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses – Mutations responsible for the binding to human-type receptor
Plenary lecture by Dr. Mikhail Matrosovich
Subject : Receptor specificity and host range of influenza viruses![]()
Plenary lecture by Prof. Prasert Auewarakul
Subject : Determinants of the avian influenza viral adaptation to human hosts![]()
LunchTrack III: Immunology, pathogenesis, and antiviral
Plenary lecture by Prof. Pilaipan Puthavathana
Subject : Antibody response to H5N1 virus infection
in humans![]()
Plenary lecture by Dr. Menno D de Jong
Subject : -to be announced-![]()
Plenary lecture by Prof. Frederick G. Hayden
Subject : Antiviral drugs and antiviral resistance
Coffee break14.50-15.20
Plenary lecture by Dr. Jacqueline M. Katz
Subject : -to be announced-![]()
Plenary lecture by Prof. George F. Gao
Subject : -to be announced-![]()
Plenary lecture by Dr. Richard Webby
Subject : Genetic factors affecting H5N1 disease in murine models![]()
-to be announced-16.40-17.00
-to be announced-17.00-17.20
-to be announced-25 January 2008
Track IV: Vaccine development
Keynote lecture by Prof. Peter M. Palese
Subject: Can we improve influenza virus vaccines?![]()
Plenary lecture by Dr. Kanta Subbarao
Subject : Active and passive immunization against avian influenza viruses![]()
Coffee break10.30-11.00
The use of vaccine for the control of Avian Influenza in Vietnam
Dr. Nguyen Tien Dzung, National Institute of Veterinary Research, Viet Nam11.00-11.30
-to be announced-11.30-12.00
-to be announced-12.00-13.00
International Pandemic Preparedness; Requirements and Responsibilities
Prof. Michael T. Osterholm, University of Minnesota, USA![]()
-to be announced-14.00-14.30
-to be announced-14.30-14.50
Coffee break14.50-15.50
Panel discussion
Subject : -to be announced-15.50-16.00
Closing ceremony
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