More Canadian Coverage


# 1141


With the news of the Saskatoon outbreak, the number of Canadian visitors to this site has spiked in the past 24 hours.  


Welcome, one and all. 


Some of you may not be familiar with all of the flu bloggers, and there are two right now who are covering the Canadian story extensively:  Crawford Kilian, who resides in Canada, and my buddy Scott McPherson, who is a fellow Floridian. 


Crof has updated this story at least 5 times in the past 24 hours, and Scott has written an insightful analysis.  


One of the nicest things about blogging on avian flu is the company I get to keep.  Genuine class acts.  And I look forward to reading their opinions and information each and every day.


And the list extends beyond just these two guys.   The Revere's at Effect Measure,  SophiaZoe, and our newcomer S. Edwards of Crisis Ready are all excellent reads and valuable resources and should be on your list of daily stops. 


Of course, I hope you will take the opportunity to return here as well. 

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