Welcoming A New Blogger


# 1056


Flublogia is a relatively small corner of the cyberworld, and many of the participants know each other pretty well.    We correspond, participate in forum discussions, and sometimes even chat.   So even though most of us have never met face-to-face, we end up with a pretty good idea who is the real deal, and who isn't.


I'm pleased that one of the `real deals', S. Edwards, a genuine expert in crisis management, has taken to blogging.   The blog,  Crisis Ready, isn't just about Avian Flu, but encompasses all threats.    Avian flu, however, is a major concern of this blogger.


We are very fortunate to have such a strong field of bloggers in the flu world.  


The Revere's of Effect Measure bring strong science to their blogging.   Crof of Crofsblog is not only is a terrific writer, he approaches things with uncommonly good editorial sense.   SophiaZoe is as knowledgeable and passionate in her Journey Through The World of Pandemic Influenza as anyone writing on the web.   And Scott McPherson is not only thought provoking, smart, and well informed, he is genuine pleasure to read. 


Having known  S. Edwards for more than a  year, I predict we have another terrific contributor to the flu/crisis world.


Welcome aboard!

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