A Good Weekend For A Move


# 1042



With the news thankfully slow, I'll be offline for the next day or so, as I will be moving across town.  My ISP promises to have me hooked up at my new digs later today, but even if that happens, it may be a day or two before I can get my computer set up.


Luckily my compatriots in the blogosphere are keeping an eagle eye on all things fluish, and the world will not suffer unduly by my absence. 


For breaking news, Crof of Crofsblog will keep you apprised of the latest goings on. 


SophiaZoe has recently been on a tear at A Journey Through the World of Pandemic Influenza, and has posted several thought provoking essays over the past week. 


Likewise,  Scott McPherson has been cranking out some really excellent work on Scott McPherson's Web Presence


If visiting SophiaZoe's and Scott's blog sites aren't on your daily `to do' list, they should be.


Add Effect Measure and The Coming Influenza Pandemic?  and you should have all of your bases covered.


Hopefully I'll be back online by the first of the week.

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