Indonesia: More on Trenggalek


# 873



An interesting turn of events in Trenggalek, after reports last week of a 6 hospitalized and `dozens' of others reporting flu-like symptoms.   After several days in the hospital, 5 suspect cases were sent home with Tamiflu after their `condition improved'.


Normally, patients are kept in isolation pending tests ruling out the H5N1 virus, but in this case we are told the tests may take up to 2 weeks, which even by Indonesian standards is a long wait. 


Are the labs really that backlogged?


Apparently, whatever symptoms these suspect cases are presenting, they aren't severe enough to warrant continued hospitalization.  Sending these people home with Tamiflu, before test results are back, sounds risky but the doctors there must believe the risk to the community  is low.


A Hat Tip to Commonground on the Wiki for translating and posting this story.



Five patients Suspect Bird Flu in Trenggalek Pulih

TRENGGALEK -- MIOL: Lima the patient who it was suspected was infected by the virus H5N1 or bird flu that was treated in the Hospital Dr. Soedono, Trenggalek, since Friday (8/6), has been stated recovered.

The five patients were returned to their house in the Compak Village, Desa Malasan, Durenan, on Sunday afternoon (10/6).


They were stated by the hospital side improved.


Section Head Kesehatan of the Trenggalek Ubaidillah Regency said although the sign was similar to bird flu that was suffered five pesien that still one family was stated by the bird flu negative, his side will continue melakukan he monitoring.


"Moreover now results" of the "sample test" of "blood and mucus of five patients are not yet received by us from the health laboratory in Surabaya."


Possibly around two weeks more, said Ubaidillah, on Monday (11/6).


Five residents of the Compak Village that the first time received the medical maintenance in Trenggalek because of being suspected of being affected by this bird flu were Angga Kumara, 18, Siti Mutifah, 33, Ismadi, Sukarmi, 60, and Lis Purwati, 41.

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