HHS Pandemic Leadership Summit Today


# 886


Today the HHS will convene a Leadership Forum in Washington, DC on pandemic preparedness.  According to the press release:


 "This interactive forum will bring together highly influential leaders from the business, faith, civic and health care sectors to participate in dynamic discussions to help Americans become more prepared for a possible influenza pandemic."


For the past three weeks, I, along with about a dozen other bloggers have been participating in the HHS sponsored Pandemic Flu Leadership Blog, which runs through June 27th. 


Dr. Greg Dworkin, one of the bloggers, will be in attendance today in Washington D.C.  


We will supposedly get updates during the day via `live blogging' from participants on what goes on at this meeting.  Exactly how this will work, or how well it will come off, is hard to tell right now.   This is an experiment, and all may not go smoothly.


In any event, today, and probably tomorrow, we should hear a good deal about the HHS leadership summit, and hopefully find out if any of the heartfelt concerns expressed by bloggers and commenter's alike have been taken into account by officials.

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