Australia Pledges Vaccine to Indonesia


# 856


While short on details, such as delivery dates and quantities, Indonesia is apparently wheeling and dealing for vaccines in several directions.  They already have a deal with Baxter to produce a vaccine, and now are getting assurances from Australia that they will provide vaccine also.





Australia promises to supply Indonesia with AI vaccines

SYDNEY(Antara): Australia will supply Indonesia with bird flu (avian influenza/AI) vaccines as soon as it has vaccine stocks, but Asutralian Health Minister Tony Abbott did not explain when the vaccine could be delivered and whether or not it would be provided for free.


"We will provide antiviral vaccines in the first phase and as soon as we have the stocks," Tony Abbott said on Thursday.


The minister made the statement before he led a Health Ministerial Meeting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).


He said that the government actually already had vaccine stocks produced by Australia but it had yet to enter the delivery phase.


Abboot said that Austrlia had effective pre-endemic vaccine but the government was still using its Code Regional Mateship.


Commenting on his meeting with his Indonesian counterpart, Siti Fadilah Supari, Tony Abbott said they had discussed virus sharing (H5N1 virus samples).


He said he was happy that Indonesia had resumed sending samples, which he described as very important for the world because it could get samples for the sake of comprehensive analysis and studies for the production of vaccines.(***)

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