The Start of A Long Week


# 765



My posts this week may be a bit sporadic due to a family medical crisis.  

In a couple of hours I'll take my 82 year old father in for a cardiac catheterization, and hopefully just a stent.  We won't know if that's an option until after they run the tests.  We've also just learned that he has a major stenosis of his left carotid artery, and will probably require an endarterectomy in the next few days.  


In any event, I expect I'll be away from my keyboard a good deal over the next few days.


The good news is, we've learned all of this at a time when such services are still available.  How people will receive lifesaving procedures such as these amid a pandemic crisis is uncertain.


In a pre-pandemic world, the availability of medical services is taken for granted.  We expect that, if we need them, they will be available.


During a pandemic, with 40% or more of medical workers out, elective, and even some emergency procedures may not be widely available.  


A good reason to get that checkup now, and any corrective actions taken, while you still can.

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