# 793
Starting today, and running for the next five weeks, the HHS will be hosting the National Pandemic Flu Leadership Blog, where national leaders will discuss the need to prepare for a possible pandemic.
This is an experimental virtual town-hall type meeting, where hopefully we can communicate our concerns, find answers, and educate the public.
Your participation is vital.
This week, the subject is why we need to prepare for a pandemic.
Each week, a new aspect of pandemic preparedness will be addressed. With a dozen bloggers, including Secretary Leavitt, and hopefully hundreds of commenter's, it should be a lively debate.
As of this writing, only a few blogs have been posted. More will come over the next few days. People will comment. And people will comment on the comments. The HHS will attempt to answer questions along the way, as will the bloggers.
The blog site can be reached at http://blog.pandemicflu.gov/.
Please help us make this experiment a success.
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