# 769
During a pandemic, all of us will want access to medical care. Not just for the flu, but for any medical problem. The question is, will it be available?
This from the CanWest News Service.
Staff might not report for flu epidemic
Financial exposure; Doctors want same compensation as firefighters, police
Roger Collier, CanWest News Service
Published: Tuesday, May 15, 2007OTTAWA - There is concern in the Ontario health community that many health-care workers will not show up for work if a mass influenza outbreak strikes because the province does not promise them financial compensation if they become ill or die as a result of providing care to infected patients.
"Protection of health-care workers in the event of a pandemic is not limited to properly fitted masks and gowns," said Dr. Charles Shaver, president of medical staff at the Queensway Carleton Hospital in Ottawa. "It has to include a firm guarantee of financial protection."
Dr. Shaver says health-care workers deserve the same compensation as other professionals, such as firefighters or police officers, who suffer harm while working in high-risk environments. He cited the recent decision by the Ontario government to change labour laws so firefighters could more easily qualify for compensation if they get cancer or suffer a heart attack because of their work.
Most Canadian doctors do not qualify for hospital insurance plans because, even if they have hospital privileges, they are considered self-employed. Dr. Shaver says nearly half of nurses are part-time employees and also fail to qualify for hospital insurance plans.
This means many Canadian health-care workers have to pay for private insurance which, Dr. Shaver claims, can be hard for ageing doctors and nurses to obtain. Even if they do qualify, Dr. Shaver says, the coverage is often inadequate.
"Insurance companies wash their hands of you," he said, "and the hospitals wash their hands of you."
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