Kuwait: Confusion over 4 `Positive' Cases


# 631



As happens from time to time, we are getting confusing and contradictory reports from officials, doctors, and the local media.  This time, it's Kuwait, where 4 Bangladeshi workers, reportedly employed as cullers, are suspected (maybe) of having bird flu.


Admittedly, from my vantage point half way around the world, I have no idea what the truth is.   Kuwaiti officials have stressed their intent to be `open and transparent' about their bird flu problem, while at the same time, insisting that the media only report `official announcements'.


One of the newest reports, from the Kuwaiti Times, dated today states:



Bird flu tests on four Bangladeshis 'positive'

Published Date: April 05, 2007
By Rania El Gamal


KUWAIT: Preliminary blood tests taken from the four Bangladeshi workers suspected to be infected with the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu were found positive, Jamal Al-Duaij, Director of the Infectious Diseases Hospital told Kuwait Times yesterday. "The initial tests done here in Kuwait came positive. However, according to the regulations of the World Health Organisation (WHO), tests must be confirmed by another certified lab," said Al-Duaij. "The tests have been sent to Cairo, where the laboratories are certified by the WHO, and final results are expected to be received today," he added.


The four Bangladeshi workers who had been culling and burying chicken infected with the deadly bird flu virus in Wafra farms were admitted to the Infectious Diseases Hospital on Tuesday. "Though the four workers were suspected to be infected with the bird flu virus, there have been no obvious symptoms of the disease," said Al-Duaij.


So far, reasonably consistent with what was reported on April 3rd, except, early reports indicated that 3 of the 4 suspected cases were showing symptoms.


Meanwhile, Al Qabas is reporting an entirely different story.   This translation was posted by Theresa42 (a hat tip to one of the hardest working newshounds on the net) on CE.



Laboratory result Egyptian resolved, announced today A second examination of the suspects: not infected!

Wrote Magid blessing:

Everyone is waiting for the announcement of the results of sampling Bengali four workers suspected of being infected with avian influenza disease of the international laboratory approved by the World Health Organization in Cairo, at the eleventh before noon today, informed sources [?] healthy 'Al-Qabas' that the workers were subjected to a fresh examination results yesterday were negative, any void workers disease!

The sources said that these negative results reinforce what previously reported information on the errors of the transfer of blood samples taken last Saturday from the 140 workers within four other sample.

But the Minister of Health, Dr. She blessed immune to such information, 'I do not know .. What is the interest of suspicion for damage or contamination of blood samples! Let us not hold things too thin'.

She said Mubarak told 'Al-Qabas': 'We are awaiting the arrival of the outcome of the examination sample four workers from Egypt, and not in the interest of anybody to hide the results, we will make Thursday evening or Friday morning was negative or positive.'


What to believe?  


Until we get outside confirmation from a certified lab, I'm going to withhold judgment.   


Stay tuned.

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