Florida Coalition : Prepare Florida Now



# 695


Florida's legislature has but a few days left to decide whether to take advantage of the special discount set up by the Federal government to purchase additional Tamiflu for the citizens of this state.  This  is just one of the pandemic preparation steps Florida needs to be taking, but it is an important one.  


The governor has asked for $37 million dollars for this purchase, but the State House has only earmarked $8 million, and the State Senate voted for no money at all.  It now goes to committee, where the amount spent (if any) is to be worked out.  


A coalition of first responders, and doctors, has now written the legislature urging quick action.   This from the Sun-Sentinel.




Coalition asks state lawmakers to prepare now for possible bird-flu pandemic

By Linda Kleindienst
Sun-Sentinel. com Tallahassee Bureau Chief
Posted April 23 2007, 3:36 PM EDT

TALLAHASSEE – A coalition of first responders and public health experts on Monday issued a plea to state legislators for money to prepare against a bird flu pandemic.


As of March, the virus had infected 285 confirmed cases worldwide, resulting in 167 deaths – a 60 percent fatality rate. The World Health Organization has warned the virus could mutate and eventually spread from human to human, which could lead to an international pandemic affecting millions.



"The risk of inaction and under-preparedness could be catastrophic, especially when you consider our state's role in international tourism and as a transport hub linking North and South America," said Dr. Charles Mahan, a former state health officer. "Such a pandemic could easily migrate to Florida, in a short time, from almost anywhere in the world."


Gov. Charlie Crist had asked lawmakers for $36 million to purchase enough drugs to treat 4.8 million people. The House and Senate originally had no money in their budgets to buy the drugs.


The House has now indicated a willingness to spend $6 million, but the coalition that includes the Professional Firefighters of Florida and the Florida College of Emergency Physicians says that's still too little.





The coalition, called PREPARE FLORIDA NOW, has their own press release today.



Public health experts, first responders call on lawmakers to heed Gov. Crist's call to protect Floridians against Pandemic flu

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., April 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

 A coalition of frontline health care providers, first responders and public health experts is urging legislators to prepare Florida against Pandemic Avian Flu.


The Coalition to Prepare Florida Now, composed of the Professional Firefighters of Florida, the Florida College of Emergency Physicians,  Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Larry Bush, and former Florida State Health Officer Dr. Charles Mahan, warned that lawmakers must take action to ensure Florida is not left unprepared when an Avian Flu outbreak strikes the United States.






While Tamiflu is not going to be a magic bullet in a pandemic, it is the most effective drug we have available, and I strongly support the move to stockpile it here in the state.   I've blogged on this issue 3 times in the past thirty days, here, here, and here.


I hope the elected representatives take heed, and opt to put the money into the budget for these antivirals.  The very people who will be expected to deal with a pandemic, should it ever come, have made their concerns known today. 


It would be prudent for our lawmakers to listen to them.

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