Egypt: Update From WHO


# 651


The WHO (World Health Organization) released an update on Egypt today.  It describes the two latest cases, and differs in one crucial fact from the `official' press reports from Egypt.



Avian influenza - situation in Egypt - update 14

10 April 2007

The Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population has announced two new human cases of avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection. The cases have been confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratory and by the US Naval Medical Research Unit No.3 (NAMRU-3).


The first case, a 2-year-old female from Menia Governorate, developed symptoms on 3 April and was admitted to hospital the following day. She is currently in a stable condition. Initial investigations into the source of her infection indicate recent contact with backyard poultry.


The second case is a 15-year-old female from Cairo Governorate. She developed symptoms on 30 March and was admitted to hospital on 5 April where she remains in a critical condition.


Of the 34 cases confirmed to date in Egypt, 13 have been fatal.



Every update we've received from the Egyptian Health Ministry has refered to this last patient, the 15-year old girl, as being in `stable' condition.   


In fact, this is the story released as of yesterday.



15-Year-Old Egyptian Gets Bird Flu

Boston (eCanadaNow) - It was confirmed by the Egyptian Health Ministry that a 15-year-old girl tested positive from the H5N1 bird flu virus in the capital of Cairo.


This is the first case to occur in the capital of Egypt, Cairo. It is also the 34th case of the bird flu in Egypt since the outbreaks began. The spokesman for the ministry Abdel-Rahman Shahin stated that the 15-year-old girl was named Maryana Kamil Mikhael. She came from the district in Cairo known as Shubra.


The girl was admitted to the hospital on Thursday after having signs of the bird flu including a very high fever. She came into contact with birds who were already infected with the virus.


She has since been treated with Tamiflu and is now recovering. It does not look like she is in any danger as of this point as she is in stable condition.



So, according to the Health Minister she is recovering and in stable condition. According to WHO, she remains in critical condition.   If I had to bet, I'd bet on the WHO's account being more accurate.


Flu watchers are a skeptical lot.   We sometimes feel bad about that, but experience has taught us that some officials will put the best spin on a story that they can.


As always.  Caveat Lector.

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