Turkey: 5 Children Hospitalized Possible Bird Flu


# 607



This probably is nothing more than seasonal flu, as the story indicates.  But this shows how worried health officials are whenever there is even a possibility of H5N1 infection.





Five children hospitalized for possible bird flu

ANKARA - Associated Press

  Authorities in southeast Turkey on Thursday hospitalized five children who came in contact with dead chickens as a precaution against possible bird flu, the hospital said. The five, all suffering from flu-like symptoms, were from a village near the town of Karkamış, in southeastern Gaziantep province.


  Cuma Yıldırım, deputy chief physician at Gaziantep hospital, said he was almost certain that the children were suffering from ordinary flu - and not bird flu - but said they were hospitalized as a precaution. Samples from the children and the chickens were sent to the capital, Ankara, for tests.

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