Pandemic Flu PSA

# 445

Expected soon on a TV screen near you, at least here in the United States, the HHS (Health & Human Services) has put together a PSA (public service announcement) about pandemic flu.

To see the video, go to Click on the video.

A transcript of the announcement reads:

Pandemic Flu Public Service Announcement “Questions”

BOY1: Hey, Dad?

Dad: Um-huh.

GIRL: Mom?

Mom: Um-hmm.

BOY2: Grandpa?

Grandpa: Yeah.

BOY1: I know bird flu is quite rare in humans, but could that change if the virus changes?

GIRL: Do the experts expect bird flu to have global ramifications?

BOY2: Should we be taking precautionary measures in case bird flu becomes a pandemic?

VO: Need some answers? Find them at Learn what you should have on hand in case pandemic flu should occur. Learn what healthy habits you and your family should be practicing right now. And find out who you should be talking to about pandemic planning in your community.

BOY1: I guess it would be prudent to be prepared.

VO: It’s time to “know what to do about pandemic flu.” Visit or call 1-800-CDC-INFO today.

A message from HHS.

Low key, perhaps, but over all, pretty good. And hopefully it will open some eyes.

Progress is being made in getting the message out.

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