Egypt: Confusing Reports

# 428

Hardly a day goes by when the Arab press doesn't report another handful of `suspected cases' of bird flu hospitalized in Egypt. About once a week I try to remind my readers that it is an ongoing story in that country.

The problem has been that rarely do western news agencies pick up on these stories, and we seldom get a follow up as to these patient's condition. Over the past 6 weeks, the newshounds on the flu forums have tracked between 60 and 80 such cases. Last night, I was tempted to post one story in particular, about 5 new cases, but decided to hold off until this morning, hoping more news would come out.

In the intervening hours, the western news agency dpa German Press Agency, has picked up what appears to be the same story. At least the number of suspected cases match. But the copyright at the bottom of the story - 2006 - gives me pause. Sometimes we see old stories accidentally recycled in the news feeds.

Fair warning. Thus far, I've seen no other news agency report a positive case today in Egypt. And the Arabic translations I've seen so far didn't indicate a patient testing positive.

Caveat Lector, pending further clarification.

Five new suspected bird flu cases hospitalized, one positive

dpa German Press Agency
Published: Friday February 9, 2007

Cairo- Five Egyptian patients suspected of being infected
with the bird-flu virus and one positive patient have been
hospitalized across Egypt, Egypt's independent al-Masry al-Youm newspaper reported Friday.

Three thousand birds had been killed and 35,000 others vaccinated, the newspaper reported.

All the cases raised poultry domestically and were suffering from respiratory problems and fever, symptoms similar to bird flu, the report added.

Laboratory tests indicated that the virus was present in two new villages in Menoufiyah governorate.

Local authorities and the Health Ministry, meanwhile, cordoned off the area containing the virus.

© 2006 - dpa German Press Agency

These 5 patients are not the only new ones entering the hospital in the past couple of days. Newshounds on the flu forums are tracking at least 4 others. Translating from Arabic into English often leaves less than intelligible text, and so it can be difficult to decipher exactly what is going on.

There is a nasty seasonal flu running through the mid-east right now, complicating matters. Many `suspected' cases will no doubt turn out not to be bird flu. But the story above, if correct, indicates at least one has tested positive for the H5N1 virus.

The local papers continue to publish articles filled with alarm over the virus, and raising fears that a failure to control the spread will result in, if not an epidemic, at the very least a severe impact on trade and tourism.

Obviously, with winter temperatures contributing to the situation, Egypt, and the entire mid-east requires close scrutiny over the next few months.

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