Indonesian Mid Morning Recap

# 296


As the news reports have been coming in fast and furious over the past few hours, I thought I'd try to take a minute to clarify what we think we know about the Jakarta Cases as of this minute.   I'll leave the situation in Bogor alone for now, as it is obviously fluid, and it isn't clear what is going on there.


As of now, I am aware of only 2 officially recognized human cases of the H5N1 infection in Indonesia.  The boy, 14, named Randi/Ramli who died yesterday, and the 37 year-old woman Riyah, who's condition is reportedly deteriorating. 


Today, 4 new suspected cases were admitted to the hospital Riyah's husband and 18 year-old son.  Plus two others, identified as  AA, age 22, and Z, age 27.  


Liputan 6 TV, out of Indonesia is reporting that 5 suspected cases, the two relatives and three neighbors of Randi/Ramli have been cleared by testing and have been released.  This machine translation comes from Pixie on the new Wiki.


9 treated at Friendship Hospital

The husband and the Child Riyah Also was treated

11/01/2007  Liputan6  http://www.liputan6....

Jakarta: Two assumption patients of bird flu were reconciled to the Friendship Hospital, Jakarta East, on Thursday (11/1).  They were the husband and the child Riyah, the patient who has been ascertained suffered bird flu.


Apart from the child's father, RS the Friendship currently treats nine assumption patients of other bird flu.


The husband and the child Riyah were reconciled to RS the Friendship because of suffering the sign of the deadly illness.  Like Riyah, they also beforehand were known could contact with the chicken that died suddenly.  While the Riyah condition now still is critical.


RS the Friendship, this afternoon, also received two patients just was other.  They were their respective the woman from Tangerang, Banten and Mampang, Southern Jakarta.


Both of them were at once treated in space ICU. by the new patient, RS the Friendship also returned five patients, consisted of relatives and the neighbour Randi, the bird flu patient who died yesterday afternoon [read: Randi died the Reason was Late treated].(ICH/the Team of Coverage 6 SCTV)


The math here gets a bit confusing. 


Up until this morning, officially there were 7 patients either suspected or confirmed to have bird flu in this hospital.  Randi/Ramli died. Leaving 6.   Five have been cleared and released.  And four more have been added.   Which should leave 5.


Liputan TV is reporting 9 suspected cases.   So who are the other 4?  And where did they come from?


As always, it is important to realize that the suspected cases may be nothing more than seasonal influenza, and may have nothing to do with the H5N1 virus.  They are `suspected' cases, nothing more.


While individual cases, and sporadic outbreaks, are worrisome, and personal tragedies to those involved, my level of concern won't be greatly elevated until we see larger numbers of cases.  The next week or so will tell us if there is H2H (Human to Human) spread occurring. 


For now, the numbers are too low to draw any conclusions. But the increased activity in this area bears watching.




I've now seen several conflicting reports as to whether the 5 suspected cases, family and neighbors of Randi/Ramli, have been `sent home' or simply moved to `non-isolation' areas of the hospital.  This may account for the discrepancies in the numbers listed above.


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