Indonesia Simmers

# 311

While the eyes of flu watchers around the world remain fixed on Jakarta, Bandung, and other areas of Indonesia watching for any sign of an explosion of cases, so far at least, all we’ve seen is a steady trickle of `suspected’ cases.

This is good news, although the situation there remains fluid.

The number of confirmed human bird flu cases remains at 5, and has remained constant for several days. The following chart, maintained by Michelle in OK on the New Wiki, is updated with information from reports translated by the hardworking newshounds on that site. The Wiki, along with CE, Flutrackers, PFI, and PFP are all good resources for tracking the latest developments.

It is likely that some (perhaps most) of those with symptoms, and tests pending, will be found negative for the virus. When one sees a large number of `suspected’ cases, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will all turn out to be actual H5N1 cases. This is regular flu season, and nerves are running high over there.

The government has announced a clampdown on the raising of livestock in residential areas. We’ve seen this sort of declaration before, but little action. Many households raise a few birds for their own consumption, or to sell for extra money, and it will not be easy to change this practice.

The tone of newspaper articles, and editorials, in the local media has been increasingly critical of the local government’s response to the threat. This excerpt, from an editorial in The Suryat “The Sun”, is but one example.

Guard against Bird Flu

Jan 15, 2007

After so many for a long time becomes the mystery, finally now clear already that Indonesia has terjangkit bird flu.

Last week emerged the startling news that two again bird flu casualties died. Clear already now that the deadly illness penetrated Indonesia.

In fact, warning that has canned be heard a long time ago. But, the Indonesian government -like could him- was impressed deliberate covered the existence of the illness in Indonesia as if the illness was the disgrace that must be hidden by meetings up. Every time had the patient who it was suspected suffered the sign of government bird flu hurriedly prepared a series of argument that his aim denied the fact. Moreover, they that already clear suffered the sign of bird flu then was not acknowledged openly as the bird flu sufferer, but only was mentioned as suspect that literally in fact meant the suspect.

Toggletext, the machine translation software used by newshounds on the Internet to convert Indonesian reports into English, has been intermittently offline overnight.

New reports are hard to come by right now.

For now, it appears that a substantial number of suspected cases remain hospitalized. Culling of birds continues, as do follow up tests of contacts of those exposed to confirmed cases of human infection. Tamiflu is being dispensed to community health centers.

The story continues to develop.

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