Romania – Heating up?

While nearly all eyes are on Indonesia, something is going on in Romania. We know they’ve reported multiple outbreaks in poultry, and last week it was admitted that tons of potentially infected chickens made it to market. Criminal charges have been levied against at least 4 people responsible for that little blunder, and attempts are underway to recover the tainted poultry.

But over the past 24 hours a number of new disturbing reports have emerged.

First, we learned that 16 poultry workers were quarantined, and that 6 of them had gone AWOL. The health officials have asked that these workers return, but has stated they are not equipped to go out and find them.

Over 300 inhabitants in Jorasti, Vrancea County protested against poultry culling in the locality on Saturday, and defended their flocks with axes and bat. It required 40 gendarmes to restore order.

Now we learn that up to 13,000 people may be quarantined, and not allowed to leave their homes, and that Tamiflu is being distributed. A much smaller number of people are currently restricted to their homes, and they are awaiting more tests before deciding to extend the quarantine. The government has announced that a large number of people may not be allowed to go to work this week.

For a disease of poultry, that officials have strenuously stated is very difficult to contract by humans, this would be a remarkable step. Either Romania is over reacting to the threat, or they know more than they are saying.

For the record, there are no reports of Human infection of H5N1 in Romania. Yet.

Let’s hope that’s true. And that the reaction of the government there is just showing an abundance of caution.

But given the circumstances, Romania bears watching.

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